Radio advertising is just one component of a comprehensive law firm advertising strategy. It may or may not be the best choice for your law firm. To find out, contact the advertising experts at EMC Advertising to discuss a strategy to increase your law firm’s visibility to potential clients.
Nielsen released information in December giving us a peek inside viewers’ preferences in the United States for 2019.
According to Nielsen, linear television continues to have the largest reach (approximately 90 percent) among other platforms and options. Sports events claimed the majority of the top ten single telecast programs for 2019 making television advertising highly effective. However, The Oscars and The Big Bang Theory claimed two of those slots. Sunday Night Football topped the regularly scheduled top ten as well. However, The Big Bang Theory and NCIS took the number two and three slots.
Nielsen also measured the time we spend listening to traditional radio. Traditional radio usage averaged almost 12 hours per week for adults 18 years and older during 2019. News and talk radio topped the list of genres preferred by adults. Adult contemporary stations and country music stations took the second and third slots, respectively. However, it is also important to note that some genres are more popular with certain age groups. For example, Urban Contemporary and Pop Contemporary Hit Radio are the most popular choices for younger listeners while Pop Contemporary Hit Radio and Adult Contemporary are the top two choices for adults 25 to 54 years old.
Why Should Lawyers Care About Radio Choices?
Radio advertising is an affordable choice for law firm advertising for many firms. Depending on your target audience and your area, radio advertising can be a cost-effective means of reaching potential clients. Individuals spend almost twice as much time listening to the radio as they do viewing television-connected devices. An effective law firm advertising strategy could reach thousands of people each day when it includes radio advertising.
Contact EMC Advertising for More Information
Radio advertising is just one component of a comprehensive law firm advertising strategy. It may or may not be the best choice for your law firm. To find out, contact the advertising experts at EMC Advertising to discuss a strategy to increase your law firm’s visibility to potential clients.