If you run out of ideas for your blogs, these three tips can help you locate fresh ideas to help you continue creating consistent, informative, SEO-friendly blogs for your law firm’s website
A high-quality law firm blog serves two purposes. It will enhance your SEO, but the main purpose is to educate and attract new clients. Therefore, your law firm blogs must seamlessly combine SEO techniques with interesting, informative material that consumers are searching for online.
Unfortunately, with the number of law firms creating blogs online, new topics and ideas for law firm blogs can be difficult to find. Also, it can be difficult to think of new ideas for your blogs when you have written about almost every topic related to your areas of service.
Three Ways to Brainstorm New Law Firm Blog Topics
If you run out of ideas for your blogs, these three tips can help you locate fresh ideas to help you continue creating consistent, informative, SEO-friendly blogs for your law firm’s website.
1. What do your customers ask?
Some of the best blog ideas come from customer questions. What questions are your customers asking you about cases or changes in-laws? Ask your staff members to track the types of questions they receive from clients and callers to get ideas for upcoming blogs.
2. Perform a keyword search?
Use a free keyword search tool like KeywordTool.io to discover what questions are being asked online that include your keyword. Just type in your keyword for a list of keyword phrases. Click on the “questions” tab for a list of questions that include your keyword.
3. Look at social media and chat rooms.
Check out what is trending in chat rooms and social media regarding your specific area of law. Look at the types of questions people are asking other law firms on their social media pages or what news topics are trending that are related to your area of law.
Of Course, You Can Let Us Do This for You
When you hire an exceptional team of SEO specialists, like our team at EMC Marketing, we handle blogging for you. You do not need to worry about coming up with great topics based on what is currently trending. We can do that for you as part of your marketing strategy and plan. Call our office now to learn more and to discuss how EMC can help you grow your law firm.