Broadcast or Cable Advertising? Which is Right for Your Law Firm?

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EMC Advertising has broken down the benefits and disadvantages of both broadcast and cable advertising to help determine which route will suit your law firm’s marketing needs.

Research has shown that television advertising continues to have high volumes of success. For attorneys, TV advertising is a great way to expose your brand to a mass audience and should be part of your marketing strategy. But when your firm ventures into the world of television marketing how do you know which road to take, Broadcast or Cable Advertising? EMC Advertising has broken down the benefits and disadvantages of both broadcast and cable advertising to help determine which route will suit your law firm’s marketing needs.

Reach of Targeted Audience. Broadcast networks have a large viewer rate due mainly to the fact that it is free, so long as you have a television. This broadens your audience and could get you more viewers. Cable networks have subscribers, which have a lower viewer rate. However, thanks to popular Cable networks such as AMC the number of subscribers has climbed significantly. But know that when choosing cable you are limited to just those specific subscribers of that particular cable service.

The Cost. Since Broadcast networks have the capability to reach such large numbers of people it will come with a rather large price tag. The most sought dayparts for media buys are prime time broadcast and it is expensive. Cable networks on the other hand are much more affordable because of your limited audience access. Selecting dayparts such as prime time cable is more affordable.

Targeted Market. Broadcast networks fit a wide and general audience. Broadcast advertising sales are primarily based on the DMA (designated marketing area). Cable networks, however; allow your media buys to hit a more specific audience. Overall, this depends on the audience you are trying to market towards.

Selecting the right way to market on TV is just part of the media buying process. You need to know the ins and outs of each market, popular networks, review reports of spots that run, cross reference spots paid for and if those spots ran, and much more. Luckily, EMC Advertising has a knowledgeable and well-skilled media buying department. They strive daily to ensure that our clients are getting the best possible television spots. If your firm is looking to improve its television marketing success, put your faith in EMC Advertising to get the job done. Give us a call today to discuss how we can get your campaign to take flight!


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